Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Horse Dentist?

Did you know that horses have a dentist that visits once a year? The wild horse naturally wears down their teeth but a domesticated horse has their food given to them which means that their teeth do no wear down. Domesticated horses must have their teeth "floated" once every year. Floating a horses teeth just means grinding their teeth down. If a horse does not have their teeth floated, they will stop eating because it hurts them to chew. The key sign that a horse needs to have their teeth floated is if they are dropping food from their mouth. It means that they can not chew properly. Teeth floating can be done by a specialist or by a veterinarian.

The Health of a Horse's Feet

Every five weeks, a farrier comes out to my barn to trim my horse's feet. A horse's feet must be taken care of or a serious health problem could occur. Improper shoeing or trimming can cause issues such as Ring Bone. Ring Bone can be fatal horses and it may also prevent the horse from ever being ridden again. A proper farrier is essential in a horse's life. I am so glad that I have an awesome farrier who takes excellent care of my horse's feet.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Its October and its time for Candy Corn!

Every October, I stock up on delicious candy corn. I could easily say that candy corn is my favorite candy. Candy corn has such bright colors and it tastes so good that it is hard for me not to sit down and eat the whole bag. Candy corn is made from honey which gives the tasty treat a little bit of kick. It is so sweet that my horse and my dog even like them. Every time I go to eat some candy corn, my dog follows me everywhere around the house. If I am at the barn, my horse follows me around the pasture to get a piece. Its good stuff!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Who knew that dogs could get pacemakers put in?

I discovered this article online at I cannot believe that dogs can receive pacemakers. I had no idea because I thought pacemakers were a human thing. I have three dogs of my own and it really gives me some peace to know that if anything goes wrong with their heart, all I have to do is take them to get a pacemaker installed. The pacemakers that are installed are about the size of a silver dollar. How cool is that? Now "Man's best friend" can stick around even longer.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I think I am addicted to this show!!

I have recently figured out that I am addicted to Dragon Ball Z. I order the series through Netflix and I literally live day to day waiting for the mail person to come. I know it is not good for my health either. I eat pretty well for a teenager but I do not exercise like I should. If I could blow things up like the characters do in Dragon Ball Z, I would be outside fighting someone. The series is action packed and features the main character, Goku. Goku faces several challenges all of which result in him winning and the world being saved. I just seem to have a problem with doing anything until I have finished that DVD that Netflix sent me.